How does God expect us to behave and act?

NOTE: If not properly interpreted, the Bible can be used to justify any position or action. Over the past few centuries, certain passages of Scripture have been used to justify slavery, and racial and ethnic discrimination. Horrors have been perpetuated based on these verses and in the name of God. These passages were taken out of the context of the overall biblical narrative, the work of God through history, and His moral values described in the Bible.
Read the following verses and reflect on what the Spirit of God is saying through His written Word.
Bible text(s)
1 John 2
1 John 3
1 John 4
John 13
Mark 12
Colossians 3
Ephesians 4
Exodus 22
Leviticus 19
James 2
Don't favour the rich and powerful
Warning against having favourites
James 2
Proverbs 24
More sayings that make good sense
Philippians 2
When you read/study the text
When determining the meaning behind each verse, there are a number of rules for Bible interpretation:
Christ is the rule – All Scripture speaks of Christ, so seeing Him is the key to understanding the passage. Don’t read too much into it – If the plain sense makes common sense, seek no other sense.
Definitions – Carefully uncover the meaning of words as used in their context.
Application – The entire Bible is written for us. It is inspired and profitable, and we’re supposed to read all of it, listen to it, and apply it in our lives. However, not all of the Bible was written directly to us.
Context – A text without context is a pretext. Sometimes we presume the meaning. How does the text fit within the verses preceding and following?
HOW DOES IT APPLY? Write down any thoughts, insights, or questions that you may want to think about and study further.