Through the Bible – Day 41

Bible text(s)

Leviticus 17

Laws on various subjects

Where to offer sacrifices

1The LORD told Moses 2to tell Aaron, his sons, and everyone else in Israel:

3-4Whenever you kill any of your cattle, sheep, or goats as sacrifices to me, you must do it at the entrance to the sacred tent. If you don't, you will be guilty of pouring out blood, and you will no longer belong to the community of Israel. 5And so, when you sacrifice an animal to ask my blessing, it must not be done out in a field, 6but in front of the sacred tent. Then a priest can splatter its blood against the bronze altar and send its fat up in smoke with a smell that pleases me. 7Don't ever turn from me again and offer sacrifices to goat-demons. This law will never change.

8Remember! No one in Israel, including foreigners, is to offer a sacrifice anywhere 9except at the entrance to the sacred tent. If you do, you will no longer belong to my people.

Do not eat blood

The LORD said:

10I will turn against any of my people who eat blood. This also includes any foreigners living among you. 11Life is in the blood, and I have given you the blood of animals to sacrifice in place of your own. 12That's also why I have forbidden you to eat blood. 13Even if you should hunt and kill a bird or an animal, you must drain out the blood and cover it with soil.

14The life of every living creature is in its blood. That's why I have forbidden you to eat blood and why I have warned you that anyone who does will no longer belong to my people.

15If you happen to find a dead animal and eat it, you must take a bath and wash your clothes, but you are still unclean until evening. 16If you don't take a bath, you will suffer for what you did wrong.

Leviticus 18

Forbidden sex

1The LORD told Moses 2to tell the people of Israel:

I am the LORD your God! 3So don't follow the customs of Egypt where you used to live or those of Canaan where I am bringing you. 4I am the LORD your God, and you must obey my teachings. 5Obey them and you will live. I am the LORD.

6Don't have sex with any of your close relatives, 7especially your own mother. This would disgrace your father. 8And don't disgrace him by having sex with any of his other wives. 9Don't have sex with your sister or stepsister, whether you grew up together or not. 10Don't disgrace yourself by having sex with your granddaughter 11or half-sister 12-13or a sister of your father or mother. 14Don't disgrace your uncle by having sex with his wife. 15Don't have sex with your daughter-in-law 16or sister-in-law. 17And don't have sex with the daughter or granddaughter of any woman that you have earlier had sex with. You may be having sex with a relative, and that would make you unclean. 18As long as your wife is alive, don't cause trouble for her by taking one of her sisters as a second wife.

19When a woman is having her monthly period, she is unclean, so don't have sex with her.

20Don't have sex with another man's wife—that would make you unclean.

21Don't sacrifice your children on the altar fires to the god Molech. I am the LORD your God, and that would disgrace me.

22It is disgusting for a man to have sex with another man.

23Anyone who has sex with an animal is unclean.

24Don't make yourselves unclean by any of these disgusting practices of those nations that I am forcing out of the land for you. They made themselves 25and the land so unclean, that I punished the land because of their sins, and I made it vomit them up. 26-27Now don't do these sickening things that make the land filthy. Instead, obey my laws and teachings. 28Then the land won't become sick of you and vomit you up, just as it did them. 29-30If any of you do these vulgar, disgusting things, you will be unclean and no longer belong to my people. I am the LORD your God, and I forbid you to follow their sickening way of life.

Leviticus 19

Moral and religious laws

1The LORD told Moses 2to say to the community of Israel:

I am the LORD your God. I am holy, and you must be holy too! 3-4Respect your father and your mother, honour the Sabbath, and don't make idols or images. I am the LORD your God.

5When you offer a sacrifice to ask my blessing, be sure to follow my instructions. 6You may eat the meat either on the day of the sacrifice or on the next day, but you must burn anything left until the third day. 7If you eat any of it on the third day, the sacrifice will be disgusting to me, and I will reject it. 8In fact, you will be punished for not respecting what I say is holy, and you will no longer belong to the community of Israel.

9When you harvest your grain, always leave some of it standing along the edges of your fields and don't pick up what falls on the ground. 10Don't strip your grapevines clean or gather the grapes that fall off the vines. Leave them for the poor and for those foreigners who live among you. I am the LORD your God.

11Do not steal or tell lies or cheat others.

12Do not misuse my name by making promises you don't intend to keep. I am the LORD your God.

13Do not steal anything or cheat anyone, and don't fail to pay your workers at the end of each day.

14I am the LORD your God, and I command you not to make fun of the deaf or to cause a blind person to stumble.

15Be fair, no matter who is on trial—don't favour either the poor or the rich.

16Don't be a gossip, but never hesitate to speak up in court, especially if your testimony can save someone's life.

17Don't hold grudges. On the other hand, it's wrong not to correct someone who needs correcting. 18Stop being angry and don't try to take revenge. I am the LORD, and I command you to love others as much as you love yourself.

19Breed your livestock animals only with animals of the same kind, and don't plant two kinds of seed in the same field or wear clothes made of different kinds of material.

20If a man has sex with a slave woman who is promised in marriage to someone else, he must pay a fine, but they are not to be put to death. After all, she was still a slave at the time. 21-22The man must bring a ram to the entrance of the sacred tent and give it to a priest, who will then offer it as a sacrifice to me, so the man's sins will be forgiven.

23After you enter the land, you will plant fruit trees, but you are not to eat any of their fruit for the first three years. 24In the fourth year the fruit must be set apart, as an expression of thanks 25to me, the LORD God. Do this, and in the fifth year, those trees will produce an abundant harvest of fruit for you to eat.

26Don't eat the blood of any animal.

Don't practise any kind of witchcraft.

27-28I forbid you to shave any part of your head or beard or to cut and tattoo yourself as a way of worshipping the dead.

29Don't let your daughters serve as temple prostitutes—this would bring disgrace both to them and the land.

30I command you to respect the Sabbath and the place where I am worshipped.

31Don't make yourselves disgusting to me by going to people who claim they can talk to the dead.

32I command you to show respect for older people and to obey me with fear and trembling.

33Don't ill-treat any foreigners who live in your land. 34Instead, treat them as well as you treat citizens and love them as much as you love yourself. Remember, you were once foreigners in the land of Egypt. I am the LORD your God.

35-36Use honest scales and don't cheat when you weigh or measure anything.

I am the LORD your God. I rescued you from Egypt, 37and I command you to obey my laws.

Leviticus 17:1-19:37CEVOpen in Bible reader

Matthew 24

Jesus continued:

36No one knows the day or hour. The angels in heaven don't know, and the Son himself doesn't know. Only the Father knows. 37When the Son of Man appears, things will be just as they were when Noah lived. 38People were eating, drinking, and getting married right up to the day that the flood came and Noah went into the big boat. 39They didn't know anything was happening until the flood came and swept them all away. That is how it will be when the Son of Man appears.

40Two men will be in the same field, but only one will be taken. The other will be left. 41Two women will be together grinding grain, but only one will be taken. The other will be left. 42So be on your guard! You don't know when your Lord will come. 43Homeowners never know when a thief is coming, and they are always on guard to keep one from breaking in. 44Always be ready! You don't know when the Son of Man will come.

Jesus continued:

45Who are faithful and wise servants? Who are the ones the master will put in charge of giving the other servants their food supplies at the proper time? 46Servants are fortunate if their master comes and finds them doing their job. 47You may be sure that a servant who is always faithful will be put in charge of everything the master owns. 48But suppose one of the servants thinks that the master won't return until late. 49Suppose that evil servant starts beating the other servants and eats and drinks with people who are drunk. 50If that happens, the master will come on a day and at a time when the servant least expects him. 51That servant will then be punished and thrown out with the ones who only pretended to serve their master. There they will cry and grit their teeth in pain.

Matthew 24:36-51CEVOpen in Bible reader
Canadian Bible Societyv.4.28.1
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