Through the Bible – Day 361

Bible text(s)

Zechariah 1

Turn to the LORD

1I am the prophet Zechariah, the son of Berechiah and the grandson of Iddo.

In the eighth month of the second year that Darius was king of Persia, the LORD told me to say:

2-3Israel, I, the LORD All-Powerful, was very angry with your ancestors. But if you people will return to me, I will turn and help you. 4Don't be stubborn like your ancestors. They were warned by the earlier prophets to give up their evil and turn back to me, but they paid no attention.

5Where are your ancestors now? Not even prophets live for ever. 6But my warnings and my words spoken by the prophets caught up with your ancestors. So they turned back to me and said, “LORD All-Powerful, you have punished us for our sins, just as you had planned.”

First vision: horses and riders

7-8On the twenty-fourth day of Shebat, which was the eleventh month of that same year, the LORD spoke to me in a vision during the night: in a valley among myrtle trees, I saw someone on a red horse, with riders on red, brown, and white horses behind him. 9An angel was there to explain things to me, and I asked, “Sir, who are these riders?”

“I'll tell you,” the angel answered.

10Straight away, the man standing among the myrtle trees said, “These are the ones the LORD has sent to find out what's happening on earth.”

11Then the riders spoke to the LORD's angel, who was standing among the myrtle trees, and they said, “We have gone everywhere and have discovered that the whole world is at peace.”

12At this, the angel said, “LORD All-Powerful, for seventy years you have been angry with Jerusalem and the towns of Judah. When are you ever going to have mercy on them?”

13The LORD's answer was kind and comforting. 14So the angel told me to announce:

I, the LORD All-Powerful, am very protective of Jerusalem. 15For a while I was angry with the nations, but now I am furious, because they have made things worse for Jerusalem and are not the least bit concerned. 16And so, I will have pity on Jerusalem. The city will be completely rebuilt, and my temple will stand again. 17I also promise that my towns will prosper—Jerusalem will once again be my chosen city, and I will comfort the people of Zion.

Second vision: animal horns

18Next, I saw four animal horns. 19-21The angel who was sent to explain was there, and so I asked, “What do these mean?”

His answer was, “These horns are the nations that scattered the people of Judah, Israel, and Jerusalem, and took away their freedom.”

Then the LORD showed me four blacksmiths, and I asked, “What are they going to do?”

He replied, “They are going to terrify and crush those horns.”

Zechariah 2

Third vision: a measuring line

1This time I saw someone holding a measuring line, 2and I asked, “Where are you going?”

“To measure Jerusalem,” was the answer. “To find out how wide and long it is.”

3The angel who had spoken to me was leaving, when another angel came up to him 4and said, “Hurry! Tell that man with the measuring line that Jerusalem won't have any boundaries. It will be too full of people and animals even to have a wall. 5The LORD himself has promised to be a protective wall of fire surrounding Jerusalem, and he will be its shining glory in the heart of the city.”

A call to action

6The LORD says to his people, “Run! Escape from the land in the north, where I scattered you to the four winds. 7Leave Babylonia and hurry back to Zion.”

8Then the glorious LORD All-Powerful ordered me to say to the nations that had raided and robbed Zion:

Zion is as precious to the LORD as are his eyes. Whatever you do to Zion, you do to him. 9And so, he will put you in the power of your slaves, and they will raid and rob you. Then you will know that I am a prophet of the LORD All-Powerful.

10City of Zion, sing and celebrate! The LORD has promised to come and live with you. 11When he does, many nations will turn to him and become his people. At that time you will know that I am a prophet of the LORD All-Powerful. 12Then Judah will be his part of the holy land, and Jerusalem will again be his chosen city.

13Everyone, be silent!

The LORD is present

and moving about

in his holy place.

Zechariah 3

Fourth vision: Joshua and Satan

1I was given another vision. This time Joshua the high priest was standing in front of the LORD's angel. And there was Satan, standing at Joshua's right side, ready to accuse him. 2But the LORD said, “Satan, you are wrong. Jerusalem is my chosen city, and this man was rescued like a stick from a flaming fire.”

3Joshua's clothes were filthy. 4So the angel told some of the people to remove Joshua's filthy clothes. Then he said to Joshua, “This means you are forgiven. Now I will dress you in priestly clothes.”

5I spoke up and said, “Also put a clean priestly turban on his head.” Then they dressed him in priestly clothes and put the turban on him, while the LORD's angel stood there watching.

6After this, the angel encouraged Joshua by telling him that the LORD All-Powerful had promised:

7If you truly obey me, I will put you in charge of my temple, including the courtyard around it, and you will be allowed to speak at any time with the angels standing beside me. 8Listen carefully, High Priest Joshua and all you other priests. You are a sign of things to come, because I am going to bring back my servant, the Chosen King.

9Joshua, I have placed in front of you a stone with seven sides. I will engrave something on that stone, and in a single day I will forgive this guilty country. 10Then each of you will live at peace and entertain your friends in your own vineyard and under your own fig trees.

Zechariah 4

Fifth vision: a lampstand and olive trees

1The angel who explained the visions woke me from what seemed like sleep. 2Then he asked, “What do you see?”

“A solid gold lampstand with an oil container above it,” I answered. “On the stand are seven lamps, each with seven flames. 3One olive tree is on the right side and another on the left of the oil container. 4But, sir, what do these mean?”

5Then he asked, “Don't you know?”

“No sir,” I replied.

6So the angel explained that it was the following message of the LORD to Zerubbabel:

I am the LORD All-Powerful. So don't depend on your own power or strength, but on my Spirit. 7Zerubbabel, that mountain in front of you will be levelled to the ground. Then you will bring out the temple's most important stone and shout, “God has been very kind.”

8The LORD spoke to me again and said:

9Zerubbabel laid the foundation for the temple, and he will complete it. Then everyone will know that you were sent by me, the LORD All-Powerful. 10Those who have made fun of this day of small beginnings will celebrate when they see Zerubbabel holding this important stone.

Those seven lamps represent my eyes—the eyes of the LORD—and they see everything on this earth.

11Then I asked the angel, “What about the olive trees on each side of the lampstand? What do they represent? 12And what is the meaning of the two branches from which golden olive oil flows through the two gold pipes?”

13“Don't you know?” he asked.

“No sir, I don't,” was my answer.

14Then he told me, “These branches are the two chosen leaders who stand beside the Lord of all the earth.”

Zechariah 1:1-4:14CEVOpen in Bible reader

Revelation 18

The fall of Babylon

1I saw another angel come from heaven. This one had great power, and the earth was bright because of his glory. 2The angel shouted,

“Fallen! Powerful Babylon

has fallen

and is now the home

of demons.

It is the den

of every filthy spirit

and of all unclean birds,

and every dirty

and hated animal.

3Babylon's evil and immoral wine

has made all nations drunk.

Every king on earth

has slept with her,

and every merchant on earth

is rich because of

her evil desires.”

4Then I heard another voice

from heaven shout,

“My people, you must escape

from Babylon.

Don't take part in her sins

and share her punishment.

5Her sins are piled

as high as heaven.

God has remembered the evil

she has done.

6Treat her as she

has treated others.

Make her pay double

for what she has done.

Make her drink twice as much

of what she mixed

for others.

7That woman honoured herself

with a life of luxury.

Reward her now

with suffering and pain.

“Deep in her heart

Babylon said,

‘I am the queen!

Never will I be a widow

or know what it means

to be sad.’

8And so, in a single day

she will suffer the pain

of sorrow, hunger, and death.

Fire will destroy

her dead body,

because her judge

is the powerful Lord God.”

9Every king on earth who slept with her and shared in her luxury will mourn. They will weep, when they see the smoke from that fire. 10Her sufferings will frighten them, and they will stand at a distance and say,

“Pity that great

and powerful city!

Pity Babylon!

In a single hour

her judgment has come.”

11Every merchant on earth will mourn, because there is no one to buy their goods. 12There won't be anyone to buy their gold, silver, jewels, pearls, fine linen, purple cloth, silk, scarlet cloth, sweet-smelling wood, fancy carvings of ivory and wood, as well as things made of bronze, iron, or marble. 13No one will buy their cinnamon, spices, incense, myrrh, frankincense, wine, olive oil, fine flour, wheat, cattle, sheep, horses, chariots, slaves, and other humans.

14Babylon, the things

your heart desired

have all escaped

from you.

Every luxury

and all your glory

will be lost for ever.

You will never

get them back.

15The merchants had become rich because of her. But when they saw her sufferings, they were terrified. They stood at a distance, crying and mourning. 16Then they shouted,

“Pity the great city

of Babylon!

She dressed in fine linen

and wore purple

and scarlet cloth.

She had jewellery

made of gold

and precious stones

and pearls.

17Yet in a single hour

her riches disappeared.”

Every ship's captain and passenger and sailor stood at a distance, together with everyone who does business by travelling on the sea. 18When they saw the smoke from her fire, they shouted, “This was the greatest city ever!”

19They cried loudly, and in their sorrow they threw dust on their heads, as they said,

“Pity the great city

of Babylon!

Everyone who sailed the seas

became rich

from her treasures.

But in a single hour

the city was destroyed.

20The heavens should be happy

with God's people

and apostles and prophets.

God has punished her

for them.”

21A powerful angel then picked up a huge stone and threw it into the sea. The angel said,

“This is how the great city

of Babylon

will be thrown down,

never to rise again.

22The music of harps and singers

and of flutes and trumpets

will no longer be heard.

No workers will ever

set up shop in that city,

and the sound

of grinding grain

will be silenced for ever.

23Lamps will no longer shine

anywhere in Babylon,

and couples will never again

say wedding vows there.

Her merchants ruled

the earth,

and by her witchcraft

she fooled all nations.

24On the streets of Babylon

is found the blood

of God's people

and of his prophets,

and everyone else.”

Revelation 18:1-24CEVOpen in Bible reader
Canadian Bible Societyv.4.27.6
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