Through the Bible – Day 283

Bible text(s)

Isaiah 42

The LORD's servant

1Here is my servant!

I have made him strong.

He is my chosen one;

I am pleased with him.

I have given him my Spirit,

and he will bring justice

to the nations.

2He won't shout or yell

or call out in the streets.

3He won't break off a bent reed

or put out a dying flame,

but he will make sure

that justice is done.

4He won't stop or give up

until he brings justice

everywhere on earth,

and people in foreign nations

long for his teaching.

5I am the LORD God.

I created the heavens

like an open tent above.

I made the earth and everything

that grows on it.

I am the source of life

for all who live on this earth,

so listen to what I say.

6I chose you to bring justice,

and I am here at your side.

I selected and sent you

to bring light

and my promise of hope

to the nations.

7You will give sight

to the blind;

you will set prisoners free

from dark dungeons.

8My name is the LORD!

I won't let idols or humans

share my glory and praise.

9Everything has happened

just as I said it would;

now I will announce

what will happen next.

Sing praises to the LORD

10Tell the whole world to sing

a new song to the LORD!

Tell those who sail the ocean

and those who live far away

to join in the praise.

11Tell the tribes of the desert

and everyone in the mountains

to celebrate and sing.

12Let them announce

his praises everywhere.

13The LORD is marching out

like an angry soldier,

shouting with all his might

while attacking his enemies.

The LORD will help his people

14For a long time, I, the LORD,

have held my temper;

now I will scream and groan

like a woman giving birth.

15I will destroy the mountains

and what grows on them;

I will dry up rivers and ponds.

16I will lead the blind on roads

they have never known;

I will guide them on paths

they have never travelled.

Their road is dark and rough,

but I will give light

to keep them from stumbling.

This is my solemn promise.

17Everyone who worships idols

as though they were gods

will be terribly ashamed.

God's people won't obey

18You people are deaf and blind,

but the LORD commands you

to listen and to see.

19No one is as blind or deaf

as his messenger,

his chosen servant,

20who sees and hears so much,

but pays no attention.

21The LORD always does right,

and so he wanted his Law

to be greatly praised.

22But his people were trapped

and imprisoned in holes

with no one to rescue them.

All they owned had been taken,

and no one was willing

to give it back.

23Why won't his people

ever learn to listen?

24Israel sinned and refused

to obey the LORD

or follow his instructions.

So the LORD let them be robbed

of everything they owned.

25He was furious with them

and punished their nation

with the fires of war.

Still they paid no attention.

They didn't even care

when they were surrounded

and scorched by flames.

Isaiah 43

The LORD has rescued his people

1Descendants of Jacob,

I, the LORD, created you

and formed your nation.

Israel, don't be afraid.

I have rescued you.

I have called you by name;

now you belong to me.

2When you cross deep rivers,

I will be with you,

and you won't drown.

When you walk through fire,

you won't be burnt

or scorched by the flames.

3I am the LORD, your God,

the Holy One of Israel,

the God who saves you.

I gave up Egypt, Ethiopia,

and the region of Seba

in exchange for you.

4To me, you are very dear,

and I love you.

That's why I gave up nations

and people to rescue you.

5Don't be afraid! I am with you.

From both east and west

I will bring you together.

6I will say to the north

and to the south,

“Free my sons and daughters!

Let them return

from distant lands.

7They are my people—

I created each of them

to bring honour to me.”

The LORD alone is God

The LORD said:

8Bring my people together.

They have eyes and ears,

but they can't see or hear.

9Tell everyone of every nation

to gather around.

None of them can honestly say,

“We told you so!”

If someone heard them say this,

then tell us about it now.

10My people, you are my witnesses

and my chosen servant.

I want you to know me,

to trust me, and understand

that I alone am God.

I have always been God;

there can be no others.

11I alone am the LORD;

only I can rescue you.

12I promised to save you,

and I kept my promise.

You are my witnesses

that no other god did this.

I, the LORD, have spoken.

13I am God now and for ever.

No one can snatch you from me

or stand in my way.

The LORD will prepare the way

14I, the LORD, will rescue you!

I am Israel's holy God,

and this is my promise:

For your sake, I will send

an army against Babylon

to drag its people away,

crying as they go.

15I am the LORD, your holy God,

Israel's Creator and King.

16I am the one who cut a path

through the mighty ocean.

17I sent an army to chase you

with chariots and horses;

now they lie dead,

unable to move.

They are like an oil lamp

with the flame snuffed out.

Forget the past

The LORD said:

18Forget what happened long ago!

Don't think about the past.

19I am creating something new.

There it is! Do you see it?

I have put roads in deserts,

streams in thirsty lands.

20Every wild animal honours me,

even jackals and owls.

I provide water in deserts—

streams in thirsty lands

for my chosen people.

21I made them my own nation,

so they would praise me.

22I, the LORD, said to Israel:

You have become weary,

but not from worshipping me.

23You have not honoured me

by sacrificing sheep

or other animals.

And I have not burdened you

with demands for sacrifices

or sweet-smelling incense.

24You have not brought

delicious spices for me

or given me the best part

of your sacrificed animals.

Instead, you burden me down

with your terrible sins.

25But I wipe away your sins

because of who I am.

And so, I will forget

the wrongs you have done.

26Meet me in court!

State your case and prove

that you are right.

27Your earliest ancestor

and all your leaders

rebelled against me.

28That's why I don't allow

your priests to serve me;

I let Israel be destroyed

and your people disgraced.

Isaiah 42:1-43:28CEVOpen in Bible reader
Canadian Bible Societyv.4.24.4
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