Through the Bible – Day 277

Bible text(s)

Isaiah 25

A prayer of thanks to God

1You, LORD, are my God!

I will praise you

for doing the wonderful things

you had planned and promised

since ancient times.

2You have destroyed the fortress

of our enemies,

leaving their city in ruins.

Nothing in that foreign city

will ever be rebuilt.

3Now strong and cruel nations

will fear and honour you.

4You have been a place of safety

for the poor and needy

in times of trouble.

Brutal enemies pounded us

like a heavy rain

or the heat of the sun at midday,

but you were our shelter.

5Those wild foreigners struck

like scorching desert heat.

But you were like a cloud,

protecting us from the sun.

You kept our enemies from singing

songs of victory.

The LORD has saved us

6On this mountain

the LORD All-Powerful

will prepare for all nations

a feast of the finest foods.

Choice wines and the best meats

will be served.

7Here the LORD will strip away

the burial clothes

that cover the nations.

8The LORD All-Powerful

will destroy the power of death

and wipe away all tears.

No longer will his people

be insulted everywhere.

The LORD has spoken!

9At that time, people will say,

“The LORD has saved us!

Let's celebrate.

We waited and hoped—

now our God is here.”

10The powerful arm of the LORD

will protect this mountain.

The Moabites will be put down

and trampled on like straw

in a pit of manure.

11They will struggle to get out,

but God will humiliate them

no matter how hard they try.

12The walls of their fortresses

will be knocked down

and scattered in the dust.

Isaiah 26

A song of victory

1The time is coming

when the people of Judah

will sing this song:

“Our city is protected.

The LORD is our fortress,

and he gives us victory.

2Open the city gates

for a law-abiding nation

that is faithful to God.

3The LORD gives perfect peace

to those whose faith is firm.

4So always trust the LORD

because he is for ever

our mighty rock.

5God has put down our enemies

in their mountain city

and rubbed it in the dust.

6Now the poor and abused

trample all over that city.”

The LORD can be trusted

7Our LORD, you always do right,

and you make the path smooth

for those who obey you.

8You are the one we trust

to bring about justice;

above all else we want

your name to be honoured.

9Throughout the night,

my heart searches for you,

because your decisions

show everyone on this earth

how to live right.

10Even when the wicked

are treated with mercy

in this land of justice,

they do wrong and are blind

to your glory, our LORD.

11Your hand is raised and ready

to punish them,

but they don't see it.

Put them to shame!

Show how much you care for us

and throw them into the fire

intended for your enemies.

12You will give us peace, LORD,

because everything we have done

was by your power.

13Others have ruled over us

besides you, our LORD God,

but we obey only you.

14Those enemies are now dead

and can never live again.

You have punished them—

they are destroyed,

completely forgotten.

15Our nation has grown

because of you, our LORD.

We have more land than before,

and you are honoured.

The LORD gives life to the dead

16When you punished our people,

they turned and prayed

to you, our LORD.

17Because of what you did to us,

we suffered like a woman

about to give birth.

18But instead of having a child,

our terrible pain

produced only wind.

We have won no victories,

and we have no descendants

to take over the earth.

19Your people will rise to life!

Tell them to leave their graves

and celebrate with shouts.

You refresh the earth

like morning dew;

you give life to the dead.

20Go inside and lock the doors,

my people.

Hide there for a little while,

until the LORD

is no longer angry.

The earth and the sea will be punished

21The LORD will come out

to punish everyone on earth

for their sins.

And when he does,

those who did violent crimes

will be known and punished.

Isaiah 27

1On that day, Leviathan,

the sea monster,

will squirm and try to escape,

but the LORD will kill him

with a cruel, sharp sword.

Protection and forgiveness

The LORD said:

2At that time you must sing

about a fruitful vineyard.

3I, the LORD, will protect it

and always keep it watered.

I will guard it day and night

to keep it from harm.

4I am no longer angry.

But if it produces thorns,

I will go to war against it

and burn it to the ground.

5Yet if the vineyard depends

on me for protection,

it will become my friend

and be at peace with me.

6Some day Israel will take root

like a vine.

It will blossom and bear fruit

that covers the earth.

7I, the LORD, didn't punish and kill

the people of Israel

as fiercely as I punished

and killed their enemies.

8I carefully measured out

Israel's punishment

and sent the scorching heat

to chase them far away.

9There's only one-way

that Israel's sin and guilt

can be completely forgiven:

they must crush the stones

of every pagan altar

and place of worship.

The LORD will bring his people together

10Fortress cities are left

like a desert

where no one lives.

Cattle walk through the ruins,

stripping the trees bare.

11When broken branches

fall to the ground,

women pick them up

to feed the fire.

But these people are so stupid

that the God who created them

will show them no mercy.

12The time is coming when the LORD will shake the land between the River Euphrates and the border of Egypt, and one by one he will bring all his people together. 13A loud trumpet will be heard. Then the people of Israel who were dragged away to Assyria and Egypt will return to worship the LORD on his holy mountain in Jerusalem.

Isaiah 28

The Lord will punish his rebellious people

Samaria will be punished

1The city of Samaria

above a fertile valley

is in for trouble!

Its leaders are drunkards,

who stuff themselves

with food and wine.

But they will be like flowers

that dry up and wilt.

2Only the Lord is strong

and powerful!

His mighty hand

will strike them down

with the force of a hailstorm

or a mighty whirlwind

or an overwhelming flood.

3Every drunkard in Ephraim

takes pride in Samaria,

but it will be crushed.

4Samaria above a fertile valley

will quickly lose its glory.

It will be gobbled up

like the first ripe fig

at harvest season.

5When this time comes,

the LORD All-Powerful

will be a glorious crown

for his people who survive.

6He will see that justice rules

and that his people are able

to defend their cities.

Corrupt leaders will be punished

7Priests and prophets stumble

because they are drunk.

Their minds are too confused

to receive God's messages

or give honest decisions.

8Their tables are covered,

completely covered,

with their stinking vomit.

9You drunken leaders

are like babies!

How can you possibly understand

or teach the LORD's message?

10You don't even listen—

all you hear is senseless sound

after senseless sound.

11So, the Lord will speak

to his people

in strange sounds

and foreign languages.

12He promised you

perfect peace and rest,

but you refused to listen.

13Now his message to you

will be senseless sound

after senseless sound.

Then you will fall backwards,

injured and trapped.

False security is fatal

14You rulers of Jerusalem

do nothing but sneer;

now you must listen

to what the LORD says.

15Do you think you have

an agreement with death

and the world of the dead?

Why do you trust in your lies

to keep you safe from danger

and the mighty flood?

16And so the LORD says,

“I'm laying a firm foundation

for the city of Zion.

It's a valuable cornerstone

proved to be trustworthy;

no one who trusts it

will ever be disappointed.

17Justice and fairness

will be the measuring lines

that help me build.”

Hailstones and floods

will destroy and wash away

your shelter of lies.

18Your agreement with death

and the world of the dead

will be broken.

Then angry, roaring waves

will sweep over you.

19Morning, noon, and night

an overwhelming flood

will wash you away.

The terrible things that happen

will teach you this lesson:

20your bed is too short,

your blanket too skimpy.

21The LORD will fiercely attack

as he did at Mount Perazim

and in Gibeon Valley.

But this time the LORD

will do something surprising,

not what you expect.

22So you had better stop sneering

or you will be in worse shape

than ever before.

I heard the LORD All-Powerful

threaten the whole country

with destruction.

All wisdom comes from the LORD

23Pay close attention

to what I am saying.

24Farmers don't just plough

and break up the ground.

25When a field is ready,

they scatter the seeds

of dill and cumin;

they plant the seeds

of wheat and barley

in the proper places.

26They learn this from their God.

27After dill and cumin

have been harvested,

the stalks are beaten,

not run over with a wagon.

28Wheat and barley are pounded,

but not beaten to pulp;

they are run over with a wagon,

but not ground to dust.

29This wonderful knowledge comes

from the LORD All-Powerful,

who has such great wisdom.

Isaiah 25:1-28:29CEVOpen in Bible reader

Colossians 1


1From Paul, chosen by God to be an apostle of Christ Jesus, and from Timothy, who is also a follower.

2To God's people who live in Colossae and are faithful followers of Christ.

I pray that God our Father will be kind to you and will bless you with peace!

A prayer of thanks

3Each time we pray for you, we thank God, the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ. 4We have heard of your faith in Christ and of your love for all God's people, 5because what you hope for is kept safe for you in heaven. You first heard about this hope when you believed the true message, which is the good news.

6The good news is spreading all over the world with great success. It has spread in that same way among you, ever since the first day you learnt the truth about God's wonderful kindness 7from our good friend Epaphras. He works together with us for Christ and is a faithful worker for you. 8He is also the one who told us about the love that God's Spirit has given you.

The person and work of Christ

9We have not stopped praying for you since the first day we heard about you. In fact, we always pray that God will show you everything he wants you to do and that you may have all the wisdom and understanding that his Spirit gives. 10Then you will live a life that honours the Lord, and you will always please him by doing good deeds. You will come to know God even better. 11His glorious power will make you patient and strong enough to endure anything, and you will be truly happy.

12I pray that you will be grateful to God for letting you have part in what he has promised his people in the kingdom of light. 13God rescued us from the dark power of Satan and brought us into the kingdom of his dear Son, 14who forgives our sins and sets us free.

15Christ is exactly like God,

who cannot be seen.

He is the firstborn Son,

superior to all creation.

16Everything was created by him,

everything in heaven

and on earth,

everything seen and unseen,

including all forces

and powers,

and all rulers

and authorities.

All things were created

by God's Son,

and everything was made

for him.

17God's Son was before all else,

and by him everything

is held together.

18He is the head of his body,

which is the church.

He is the very beginning,

the first to be raised

from death,

so that he would be

above all others.

19God himself was pleased

to live fully in his Son.

20And God was pleased

for him to make peace

by sacrificing his blood

on the cross,

so that all beings in heaven

and on earth

would be brought back to God.

21You used to be far from God. Your thoughts made you his enemies, and you did evil things. 22But his Son became a human and died. So God made peace with you, and now he lets you stand in his presence as people who are holy and faultless and innocent. 23But you must stay deeply rooted and firm in your faith. You must not give up the hope you received when you heard the good news. It was preached to everyone on earth, and I myself have become a servant of this message.

Colossians 1:1-23CEVOpen in Bible reader
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