Through the Bible – Day 260

Bible text(s)

Proverbs 28

The Law of God makes sense

1Wicked people run away

when no one chases them,

but those who live right

are as brave as lions.

2In time of civil war

there are many leaders,

but a sensible leader

restores law and order.

3When someone poor takes over

and ill-treats the poor,

it's like a heavy rain

destroying the crops.

4Lawbreakers praise criminals,

but law-abiding citizens

always oppose them.

5Criminals don't know

what justice means,

but all who respect the LORD

understand it completely.

6It's better to be poor

and live right,

than to be rich

and dishonest.

7It makes good sense

to obey the Law of God,

but you disgrace your parents

if you make friends

with worthless nobodies.

8If you make money by charging

high interest rates,

you will lose it all to someone

who cares for the poor.

9God cannot stand the prayers

of anyone who disobeys

his Law.

10By leading good people to sin,

you dig a pit for yourself,

but all who live right

will have a bright future.

11The rich think highly

of themselves,

but anyone poor and sensible

sees right through them.

12When an honest person wins,

it's time to celebrate;

when crooks are in control,

it's best to hide.

13If you don't confess your sins,

you will be a failure.

But God will be merciful

if you confess your sins

and give them up.

14The LORD blesses everyone

who is afraid to do evil,

but if you are cruel,

you will end up in trouble.

15A ruler who ill-treats the poor

is like a roaring lion

or a bear hunting for food.

16A heartless leader is a fool,

but anyone who refuses

to get rich by cheating others

will live a long time.

17Don't give help to murderers!

Make them stay on the run

for as long as they live.

18Honesty will keep you safe,

but everyone who is crooked

will suddenly fall.

19Work hard, and you will have

a lot of food;

waste time, and you will have

a lot of trouble.

20God blesses his loyal people,

but punishes all who want

to get rich quick.

21It isn't right to be unfair,

but some people can be bribed

with only a piece of bread.

22Don't be selfish

and eager to get rich—

you will end up worse off

than you can imagine.

23Honest correction

is appreciated

more than flattery.

24If you cheat your parents

and don't think it's wrong,

you are a common thief.

25Selfish people cause trouble,

but you will live a full life

if you trust the LORD.

26Only fools would trust

what they alone think,

but if you live by wisdom,

you will do all right.

27Giving to the poor

will keep you from poverty,

but if you close your eyes

to their needs,

everyone will curse you.

28When crooks are in control,

everyone tries to hide,

but when they lose power,

good people are everywhere.

Proverbs 28:1-36CEVOpen in Bible reader

2 Corinthians 13

Final warnings and greetings

1I am on my way to visit you for the third time. And as the Scriptures say, “Any charges must be proved true by at least two or three witnesses.” 2During my second visit I warned you that I would punish you and anyone else who doesn't stop sinning. I am far away from you now, but I give you the same warning. 3This should prove to you that I am speaking for Christ. When he corrects you, he won't be weak. He will be powerful! 4Although he was weak when he was nailed to the cross, he now lives by the power of God. We are weak, just as Christ was. But you will see that we will live by the power of God, just as Christ does.

5Test yourselves and find out if you really are true to your faith. If you pass the test, you will discover that Christ is living in you. But if Christ isn't living in you, you have failed. 6I hope you will discover that we have not failed. 7We pray that you will stop doing evil things. We don't pray like this to make ourselves look good, but to get you to do right, even if we are failures.

8All we can do is to follow the truth and not fight against it. 9Even though we are weak, we are glad that you are strong, and we pray that you will do even better. 10I am writing these things to you before I arrive. This way I won't have to be hard on you when I use the authority that the Lord has given me. I was given this authority, so that I could help you and not destroy you.

Final greetings

11Goodbye, my friends. Do better and pay attention to what I have said. Try to get along and live peacefully with each other.

Now I pray that God, who gives love and peace, will be with you. 12Give each other a warm greeting. All God's people send their greetings.

13I pray that the Lord Jesus Christ will bless you and be kind to you! May God bless you with his love, and may the Holy Spirit join all your hearts together.

2 Corinthians 13:1-14CEVOpen in Bible reader
Canadian Bible Societyv.4.24.4
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