Through the Bible – Day 257

Bible text(s)

Proverbs 25

More of Solomon's wise sayings

1Here are more

of Solomon's proverbs.

They were copied by the officials

of King Hezekiah of Judah.

2God is praised

for being mysterious;

rulers are praised

for explaining mysteries.

3Who can fully understand

the thoughts of a ruler?

They reach beyond the sky

and go deep in the earth.

4Silver must be purified

before it can be used

to make something of value.

5Evil people must be removed

before anyone can rule

with justice.

6Don't try to seem important

in the court of a ruler.

7It's better for the ruler

to give you a high position

than for you to be embarrassed

in front of royal officials.

Be sure you are right

8before you sue someone,

or you might lose your case

and be embarrassed.

9When you and someone else

can't get along,

don't gossip about it.

10Others will find out,

and your reputation

will then be ruined.

11The right word

at the right time

is like precious gold

set in silver.

12Listening to good advice

is worth much more

than jewellery made of gold.

13A messenger you can trust

is just as refreshing

as cool water in summer.

14Broken promises

are worse than rain clouds

that don't bring rain.

15Patience and gentle talk

can convince a ruler

and overcome any problem.

16Eating too much honey

can make you sick.

17Don't visit friends too often,

or they will get tired of it

and start hating you.

18Telling lies about friends

is like attacking them

with clubs and swords

and sharp arrows.

19A friend you can't trust

in times of trouble

is like having a toothache

or a sore foot.

20Singing to someone

in deep sorrow

is like pouring vinegar

in an open cut.

21If your enemies are hungry,

give them something to eat.

And if they are thirsty,

give them something

to drink.

22This will be the same

as piling burning coals

on their heads.

And the LORD

will reward you.

23As surely as rain blows in

from the north,

anger is caused

by cruel words.

24It's better to stay outside

on the roof of your house

than to live inside

with a nagging wife.

25Good news from far away

refreshes like cold water

when you are thirsty.

26When a good person gives in

to the wicked,

it's like dumping rubbish

in a stream of clear water.

27Don't eat too much honey

or always want praise.

28Losing self-control

leaves you as helpless

as a city without a wall.

Proverbs 25:1-28CEVOpen in Bible reader

2 Corinthians 10

Paul is a true apostle

Paul defends his work for Christ

1Do you think I am a coward when I am with you and brave when I am far away? Well, I ask you to listen, because Christ himself was humble and gentle. 2Some people have said that we act like the people of this world. So when I arrive, I expect I will have to be firm and forceful in what I say to them. Please don't make me treat you that way. 3We live in this world, but we don't act like its people 4or fight our battles with the weapons of this world. Instead, we use God's power that can destroy fortresses. We destroy arguments 5and every bit of pride that keeps anyone from knowing God. We capture people's thoughts and make them obey Christ. 6And when you completely obey him, we will punish anyone who refuses to obey.

7You judge by appearances. If any of you think you are the only ones who belong to Christ, then think again. We belong to Christ as much as you do. 8Perhaps I boast a little too much about the authority that the Lord gave me to help you and not to hurt you. Yet I am not embarrassed to boast. 9And I am not trying to scare you with my letters. 10Some of you are saying, “Paul's letters are harsh and powerful. But in person, he is a weakling and has nothing worth saying.” 11Those people had better understand that when I am with you, I will do exactly what I say in my letters.

12We won't dare compare ourselves with those who think so much of themselves. But they are foolish to compare themselves with themselves. 13We won't boast about something we don't have a right to boast about. We will only boast about the work that God has sent us to do, and you are part of that work. 14We are not boasting more than we should. After all, we did bring the message about Christ to you.

15We don't boast about what others have done, as if we had done those things ourselves. But I hope that as you become stronger in your faith, we will be able to reach many more of the people around you. That has always been our goal. 16Then we will be able to preach the good news in other lands where we cannot take credit for work someone else has already done. 17The Scriptures say, “If you want to boast, then boast about the Lord.” 18You may boast about yourself, but the only approval that counts is the Lord's approval.

2 Corinthians 10:1-18CEVOpen in Bible reader
Canadian Bible Societyv.4.24.4
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