Psalms 111
Praise the LORD for all he has done
1Shout praises to the LORD!
With all my heart
I will thank the LORD
when his people meet.
2The LORD has done
many wonderful things!
Everyone who is pleased
with God's marvellous deeds
will keep them in mind.
3Everything the LORD does
is glorious and majestic,
and his power to bring justice
will never end.
4The LORD God is famous
for his wonderful deeds,
and he is kind and merciful.
5He gives food to his worshippers
and always keeps his agreement
with them.
6He has shown his mighty power
to his people
and has given them the lands
of other nations.
7God is always honest and fair,
and his laws can be trusted.
8They are true and right
and will stand for ever.
9God rescued his people,
and he will never break
his agreement with them.
He is fearsome and holy.
10Respect and obey the LORD!
This is the first step
to wisdom and good sense.
God will always be respected.
Contemporary English Version (Anglicised) 2012 © British and Foreign Bible Society 2012
Audio text: © 1991 American Bible Society
Audio: ℗ 1995 Hosanna
℗ Voices 1997 ABS, Music 1997 Hosanna