Job 35
Elihu continues
Are you really innocent?
1Elihu said:
2Job, are you really innocent
in the sight of God?
3Don't you honestly believe
it pays to obey him?
4I will give the answers
to you and your friends.
5-6Look up to the heavens
and think!
Do your sins hurt God?
7Is any good you may have done
at all helpful to him?
8The evil or good you do
only affects other humans.
9In times of trouble,
everyone begs the mighty God
to have mercy.
10But after their Creator
helps them through hard times,
they forget about him,
11though he makes us wiser
than animals or birds.
12God won't listen to the prayers
of proud and evil people.
13If God All-Powerful refuses
to answer their empty prayers,
14he will surely deny
your impatient request
to face him in court.
15Job, you were wrong to say
God doesn't punish sin.
16Everything you have said
adds up to nonsense.
Contemporary English Version (Anglicised) 2012 © British and Foreign Bible Society 2012
Audio text: © 1991 American Bible Society
Audio: ℗ 1995 Hosanna
℗ Voices 1997 ABS, Music 1997 Hosanna