Zophar's first speech
So much foolish talk
1Zophar from Naamah said:
2So much foolish talk
cannot go unanswered.
3Your words have silenced others
and made them ashamed;
now it is only right for you
to be put to shame.
4You claim to be innocent
and argue that your beliefs
are acceptable to God.
5But I wish he would speak
6and let you know that wisdom
has many different sides.
You would then discover
that God has punished you
less than you deserve.
7Can you understand the mysteries
surrounding God All-Powerful?
8They are higher than the heavens
and deeper than the grave.
So what can you do
when you know so little,
9and these mysteries outreach
the earth and the sea?
10If God puts you in prison
or drags you to court,
what can you do?
11God has the wisdom to know
when someone is worthless
and sinful,
12but it's easier to tame
a wild donkey
than to make a fool wise.
Surrender your heart to God
13Surrender your heart to God,
turn to him in prayer,
14and give up your sins—
even those you do in secret.
15Then you won't be ashamed;
you will be confident
and fearless.
16Your troubles will go away
like water beneath a bridge,
17and your darkest night
will be brighter than midday.
18You will rest safe and secure,
filled with hope
and emptied of worry.
19You will sleep without fear
and be greatly respected.
20But those who are evil
will go blind and lose their way.
Their only escape is death!